
NavC Token: An Ideal Choice for Long-Term Crypto Investments

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Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile and profit-earning asset class, which has the potential to develop a life-changing income. It marks a fundamental shift from a centralized to a decentralized financial system that has gained prominence in value and complexity. Despite all these things, it is necessary to understand that not every cryptocurrency is created equal. Most of the cryptos fail in the long term, leaving only a few of them to get all the benefits. This reflects that picking winners is an art in the cryptocurrency industry. Also, it is the ultimate key to survival and long-term success. This is where the NavC token takes the position as the best cryptocurrency for long-term investment. This is because of multiple factors, which we will learn in the coming section of this article.

Long-Term Crypto Investments- Meaning

Long-term crypto investment involves purchasing and holding of digital assets for a specific period, say years or for many decades. The purpose behind long-term investment involves the increase in the current market price. This allows investors to capitalize on the currency's growth potential in the cryptocurrency market.

Why NavC is the Best Cryptocurrency for Long-Term Investment?

NavC is considered the best cryptocurrency for long-term investment due to the following factors:

Fixed Supply Value Variance Inflationary Token

Unlike any other cryptocurrencies, which are affected by major market movements, NavC adopts the fixed supply value variance inflationary token mechanism. This means that the total planned supply of NavC is limited to 112.5 billion tokens. Out of which, 100 billion tokens are locked on NavExM for exchange activities. Only 26 million tokens are available to the public for sale. This structure tells us about the fixed supply of NavC tokens in the market. So, if any trade happens on the exchange, the demand for the token surges, increasing in the price of NavC. This attracts long-term investors to invest in NavC and earn maximum returns, making it the best cryptocurrency for long-term investment.

Continuous Capital Appreciation

The price of cryptocurrency depends upon the mechanism of demand and supply. However, the NavExM trading mechanism is built in such a way that every trade on the exchange will create a new demand for the tokens. This is because all the trading pairs listed on the exchange are routed through the NavC. This increases the demand for the token and captures the trading pair values as a capital appreciation for the NavC token. Moreover, this appreciation will entice investors to invest more and contribute to price growth.

Positive Return on Trade

NavExM values all its members in the exchange. As a result, it provides a unique cashback program to increase the market participation of the traders and investors on the platform. Currently, all the NavC holders on the exchange can earn up to 0.10% of the total transaction volume as cashback. This feature creates a positive return on investment, making it an appealing option among long-term investors.

Low Risk, High Yield Nature

NavC is a fixed supply value variance inflationary token, so irrespective of the market conditions, the price of the token will continue to rise. As NavC follows the continuous value addition process, the probability of a downward trend is very low. Also, you may purchase the NavC as a bonus coin for transactions. The price of NavC solely depends on the operations of the NavExM exchange and is not tied to the price of any other tokens. So, NavC will continue to be one of the best cryptocurrency for long-term investment.


NavC, being the native utility token of the NavExM exchange, has implemented robust security measures, including two-factor authentication. Also, our project team keeps an eye on the platform and takes appropriate measures if they find any suspicious activity going on the platform. Also, we make sure that your investments are protected from potential breaches.


The cryptocurrency sector has the potential to generate substantial gains. Over the last few years, the number of individuals investing in digital assets has increased significantly, not just for the profits, but also for the industry’s long-term potential. So, if you are looking to invest in cryptocurrency for a longer period, it is important to make a strategy which can give maximum returns. Therefore, choose one or more cryptocurrencies and only invest funds that you can afford to lose. But there is a catch to it! With NavC, you can always have a win-win situation as it follows a continuous value addition mechanism, which keeps the NavC price on the positive side even when the other cryptocurrencies are declining. Also, it provides great potential for maximizing gains, particularly in the long term. This makes NavC the best cryptocurrency for long-term investment.