
Crypto Trading Fees: Minimize your trading costs with NavExM

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Crypto trading has the potential to outperform the traditional market, and that too by a significant margin. The extreme volatility and 24X7 market availability make it possible. However, hefty transaction fees levied by the top cryptocurrency exchanges increase the purchase cost. The trading fees on these platforms are around 0.1% to 1.5%. The estimated daily trading volume of the top 20 cryptocurrency exchanges is $40 billion approximately. As per the estimation, around $60 million is swayed away from the market every day as transaction fees which eventually reduce the overall trade profit.

In this article, you will understand how the cost of your trade can be reduced notably and how you can shoot up your overall profit with NavExM.

Minimize The Cost of Your Trade with NavExM

1. Zero Trading Fees on NavExM

2. Cashback Rewards on Each Transaction

3. Buy and HODL NavC

Multiple practices in the market are suggested to new traders to reduce the cost of the transaction, such as executing a smaller number of trades, buying and holding for a longer period to avoid the crypto trading fees, etc. However, don't you feel it restricts the opportunity to earn more profit?

It is like stopping a rider from riding a bicycle just to make sure that he doesn't get injured. However, NavExM offers you unique ways to avoid transaction fees. Instead, it offers you the platform to maximize your trade profit. Let's explore them one by one.

Zero Trading Fees on NavExM

NavExM offers a no cost trading platform with no strings attached. You can execute as many transactions as you want, too, with zero trading charges. Sounds unrealistic? But NavExM makes it possible. Where other crypto exchanges charge strapping fees, NavExM provides you with the platform to trade for free.

Cashback Rewards on Each Transaction

Have you ever imagined that you could get rewarded for participating in the crypto trading ecosystem? This is an incredible benefit that NavExM offers. Zero Trading fees significantly reduce the cost of the trade. However, the cashback rewards on NavExM make it revenue positive each time.

You will always bag more value than you will be trading for, on NavExM. The exchange offers a cashback of up to 0.10% of the total trading volume to all its community members.

The cashback reward will enable you to generate more profit even if you sell your assets at a limited loss.

Buy & Hold NavC

NavExM offers a premium privilege to the traders staking NavC tokens, such as increased cashback rewards. NavC is the underlying currency of the NavExM cryptocurrency exchange, and the option to stake NavC token will be available to a limited number of traders

Opportunity of staking 500 NavC is open to the Maximum 52,000 members only.

Opportunity of staking 5,000 NavC is open to the Maximum 5,200 members only.

Opportunity of statking 50,000 NavC is open to the Maximum 520 members only.

NavC, the cryptocurrency that grows even in the bear market

Unlike any other native token of cryptocurrency exchanges, NavC serves as an excellent utility on the exchange. The unique Automated Market Maker (AMM) of NavExM ensures all transactions on the exchange pass through NavC tokens itself, providing reliable encapsulation for the traded pair value resulting in capital appreciation.

NavC token has a limited supply of 112.50 billion, out of which only 0.02% is available in the open market, which means the price of NavC will largely depend on the rising trading volume on the NavExM cryptocurrency exchange.

No external market force will be able to negatively influence the price of the token because of its excellent utility on the exchange. Whether the market buys or sells, the price of NavC is expected to appreciate with each trade making it an exceptional asset.


Zero trading fees will help you significantly lower the cost of your trade. You will no longer need to pay overloaded transaction fees to crypto exchanges. Further, the cashback rewards will make it a revenue-positive trade for you. By investing in NavC, you won't only get access to premium privileges but also ensure consistent capital appreciation. All the benefits mentioned above will not only reduce the trading cost but also contribute to the overall profit generated by traders.