How to Trade Cryptocurrency for Free?
When you enter the crypto market, the first step is to identify a crypto exchange where you can buy, sell and store your digital assets. Selecting the crypto exchange that offers the lowest transaction fees or even zero trading charges can be advantageous for a beginner to start trading with the minimum risk. And, if you are an expert, you will know how crucial it is to choose the right platform to trade, which can help you maximize your trade profit.
NavExM is the next-generation crypto exchange where you can trade crypto for free. The exchange is also known as the world's most rewarding crypto trading platform, where you get rewarded for trading each time.
Commission Free Cryptocurrency Trading on NavExM
You may wonder, is it possible to trade crypto for free?
Yes, on NavExM. The exchange for the future offers the platform to trade crypto with zero transaction fees. This is the revolution in industry. When you look at other contemporary exchanges, they charge somewhere around 0.1% - 1% as trading fees. The average daily trading volume on the top 20 crypto exchanges after the FTX breakdown is approximately $40 billion. The estimated calculations show that around $60 million is swayed away from the market daily as the transaction fees. Isn't it huge?
NavExM solves this problem by introducing zero commission for swapping cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin & Ethereum.
Crypto Exchange for Beginners
For a new entrant, a high transaction fee is one of the biggest concerns while entering the market with limited knowledge. The high volatility is already enough to scare novice traders. Further, the trading charges make it even more difficult for them to make a satisfactory profit. However, zero trading charges make it easy for crypto traders to take the courage to place the order. You can start trading cryptocurrency for free on NavExM.
Cashback on Every Trade
Besides the zero transaction fees, NavExM offers cashback to trade on the platform. This will further encourage traders to actively participate in the crypto trading ecosystem. NavExM provides a cashback of up to 0.05% - 0.10% on every trade. If you are a trader and decide to Stake 5000 NavC tokens, you are eligible to get a cashback of 0.05% of the transaction volume for first five transactions of the day and it can be increased to 0.10% by Staking 50,000 NavC tokens for unlimited transactions.
What Makes NavExM, the Most Rewarding Crypto Exchange?
Besides offering zero trading charges and cashback rewards on each trade, NavExM also provides seamless trading experience. Further, the exchange possesses a unique trading engine making it a Next-Generation Crypto Exchange. The engine ensures all the transactions on the exchange route through the native utility token of NavExM, I.e., NavC. The trade settlement engine of NavExM will ensure that NavC encapsulates the traded pair value resulting in capital appreciation with each trade. The trading engine of NavExM makes it possible for the exchange to offer *zero transaction fees and *cashback rewards. Further, the cashback will be credited to the trader's wallet in the form of NavC, which will appreciate each time a trade happens on the Next-Generation Crypto Exchange.
NavExM community members can trade without trading fees and earn up to 0.10% of their trade value as cashback rewards on every trade.